Lots of Visitors
We have had lots of visitors the last month. It has been great fun and Sofia hasn't been spoiled by any of them!
Muchas visitas en el ultimo mes. Y, por supuesto, todo mundo chiqueando a la sofkita!
Ksenia, (and hubby Darryl), brought little Katya out to visit us from Denver. She is almost exactly one year older than Sofia, and Sofia was just infatuated with her (and her toys!)

Ksenia y su esposo Darryl llegaron desde Denver con su hija Katya. Katya es un año mayor que Sofia. Lo soprendente es que Katya, debido a que su mama es de Rusia, ya entiende Inlges y Ruso!

We went to Congaree Swamp to hike for a few hours.

Good thing Sofia loves to be in the backpack!

We got a visit from Auntie B (Barbara) and her fiancé, Kevin. We got to go to the zoo with his niece and nephews!
Aquí esta Sofia con Barbara y su novio Kevin.
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