Friday, November 30, 2007

It has been a good fall!

we dressed the girls up to go buy our pumpkin this year, since we weren't going to be here for halloween.

Maya loved all the pumpkins, and talked and laughed the whole time we were there. Sofia gets her "vampire" on at the zoo one day!

This particular day, we had been outside playing for a long time, when sofia fell asleep in her swing. So then i put maya on the big swing next to me so i could read, and she fell asleep too!

On a trip to the zoo, Sofia was feeding the giraffes from her hand, when it decided to give her kisses!

Maya was also entranced by the giraffes, which were larger than life right up next to her.
The girls love to hold hands in their car seats. Here they are..decked out and ready to go to the zoo!

Sofia at Andrew's birthday party. She stood right next to him while he opened all his gifts. She got a huge kick out of it!
She loves to eat corn on the cob. This girl can gnaw down three whole ears at a time...if we let her.
Snuggle time on the couch for the babies

Andrew came over to play with the girls one afternoon. They have so much fun with him. Sofia just follows him around and does everything that he does.


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