Thursday, March 29, 2007

Fotos tomadas especialmente pa la Tia Karina: también conocida como Karito, Kari, Nena, La topilla Karito, Karis, y otros nombres más que no se pueden mencionar porque si no luego me agarra a zapezasos...



sofia and maya at the park. she loves being a big sister!

Maya's tiny foot is the size of my thumb
ivan and sofia
maya at two weeks
sofia asleep in the double stroller after a long walk

sofia in her chivas soccer shirt...
these shots are for tia karina!

isaac and sofia dress up... aren't they cute!
uncle tim, isaac, aunt stephanie, and sofia...feeding the ducks
Sand fight with isaac in the new sandbox
uncle tim gets cudle time with little maya
the two sisters with their young'uns
the segura family!

daddy watches a video with sofia
feeding the ducks with isaac and tim

Friday, March 16, 2007

Maya Jade Segura


Big Sis Sofia plays "this little piggy" with Maya's toes!

Sleeping with mom after a tough Birth Day!

Poppa Stivers gets to hold her

With Momcat in the hospital