Friday, November 30, 2007

Thanksgiving Week

We went to our friend Jenks' farm one afternoon for an oyster roast. The girls had a blast, Sofia especially, because she got to see goats, chickens, dogs, and ride his zip line swing! The girls are all bundled up because it was so COLD that day!
This his zip line swing made from an old tractor seat. Sofia couldn't get enough, and it is attached to the top of the barn in the background, so it goes up pretty high!

She also managed to find an old tricycle there to ride, although she only mastered it going backward!

Maya all happy and playing in her pj's.
Ivan and Maya during Thanksgiving dinner.

Sofia gives good hugs, but maya is not so sure about them!
Maya stays warm and plays while we work on extending our patio over thanksgiving weekend.

Thanksgiving was such a nice day here. We spent it quietly, playing out in the backyard all afternoon and eating with our neighbors that evening. Here the girls enjoy the big swing together.

Sofia in the sand box
Maya loves to get in baskets. She thinks it is the funniest thing.

Rub a Dub, three men in a tub...our neighbor andrew joins us one night


My little gardener, already reading about trees!

Beto's son, Emiliano, takes a turn at holding Maya

Since we were in Mexico over Halloween and the Day of the Dead, we dressed them up on November 2 to ask for candy with their cousins, neighbors, and friends. Here is our cowgirl with Tia Karina, and Sofia the butterfly.
"Maya...the cowboy" as Sofia calls her
Sofia enjoys a treat with her cousin Yazmin.
Cousins Marisol, Yazmin, and Maya...all dressed up at Omar's wedding.
The rock star!

Look at that pumpkin!
Maya with ivan's stepmom, Juanita. She loves babies and has a knack for making any baby stop crying and calm down.
With her abuelito Samuel, ivan's dad
Sofia passes out in Ivan's arms, after running all day with friends and family.

Maya's first plane ride! She is in awe of all the new things to see.
Sofia crawled into the pack-n-play one morning when she was supposed to be napping. Unfortunately, my make-up bag on the dresser next to it was just too tempting, so she had to put some on!
Maya and her cousin Paloma. Paloma, who is 6, thought she was a living baby doll, and wanted to carry her around everywhere and feed her bottles, etc. This wasn't so practical though, since two of Paloma's little legs make up one of Maya's thighs!
Sofia getting a sugar high on some cotton candy during a downtown excursion.
The three girls in front of a church downtown.

It has been a good fall!

we dressed the girls up to go buy our pumpkin this year, since we weren't going to be here for halloween.

Maya loved all the pumpkins, and talked and laughed the whole time we were there. Sofia gets her "vampire" on at the zoo one day!

This particular day, we had been outside playing for a long time, when sofia fell asleep in her swing. So then i put maya on the big swing next to me so i could read, and she fell asleep too!

On a trip to the zoo, Sofia was feeding the giraffes from her hand, when it decided to give her kisses!

Maya was also entranced by the giraffes, which were larger than life right up next to her.
The girls love to hold hands in their car seats. Here they are..decked out and ready to go to the zoo!

Sofia at Andrew's birthday party. She stood right next to him while he opened all his gifts. She got a huge kick out of it!
She loves to eat corn on the cob. This girl can gnaw down three whole ears at a time...if we let her.
Snuggle time on the couch for the babies

Andrew came over to play with the girls one afternoon. They have so much fun with him. Sofia just follows him around and does everything that he does.