Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Happy 7 months Sofia!
Today, Sofia turns seven months old. It has gone by so fast! We had a few big moments to celebrate the occasion.
First, she pulled herself up from a sitting position to standing. She did this both by grabbing my hands, and with the rails on her crib. Everytime I went to hold her hands today, she immediately stood up!
Then she sat in the grocery cart without a car seat. She rode in the seat of the cart and giggled all the way through the grocery store. she thought that was big stuff, and she just smiled at everyone as if to say, "look at me, I am sitting here like a big girl!"
Last, she fed herself some rice cake, and couldn't have been happier with the mess she made of herself.
We went to the doctor last week for her 6 month appointment ( I know we are a little late, but our pediatrician had emergency surgery so the appointment was postponed). Anyway, she weighed in at 15 lbs, 3 ounces, and is just over 26 inches long. Her head hasn't grown any since her last visit, so I guess she will be a peahead like her mama, but the doc said she was beautiful and everything looked great. She got three shots and did pretty well with them. Still no teeth, but she is working on them. We were pleased with the visit!
It is Spring Here!
Here are the latest...
Las fotos mas recientes...
A true Kentucky girl at heart, she gets back to her redneck roots with her overalls, no shirt and no shoes!
Toda una chica de Kentucky, siguiendo sus raices de "Redneck" con sus overalls, sin camisa y sin zapatos! (Igualita que la mama!)
Esta es una de mis fotos favoritas de sofKa, con esos ojitos, la sonrisa traviesa...
Sofia admires herself and her new dress in the mirror.
Sofia admirandose en el espejo, con vestido nuevo y toda la cosa (Vestido comprado en mexico, of course)
She loves to play with her feet, and occasionally suck on some toes as well!
A sofka le encanta jugar con los piecillos, y a veces hasta se pone a chuparse el dedito gordo del pie!
Daddy and Sofia take a nap with rabbit!
Aca nos agarraron echando una siestecita con todo y conejo
Lots of Visitors
We have had lots of visitors the last month. It has been great fun and Sofia hasn't been spoiled by any of them!
Muchas visitas en el ultimo mes. Y, por supuesto, todo mundo chiqueando a la sofkita!
Ksenia, (and hubby Darryl), brought little Katya out to visit us from Denver. She is almost exactly one year older than Sofia, and Sofia was just infatuated with her (and her toys!)
Ksenia y su esposo Darryl llegaron desde Denver con su hija Katya. Katya es un año mayor que Sofia. Lo soprendente es que Katya, debido a que su mama es de Rusia, ya entiende Inlges y Ruso!
We went to Congaree Swamp to hike for a few hours. Aqui de paseo en el Congaree Swamp
Good thing Sofia loves to be in the backpack! Aqui la Sofia y Yomero en plena caminata por el pantano.
Sofia kicks back in the stroller during our lunch break at the zoo. Sofia descansando en el Zoo.
We got a visit from Auntie B (Barbara) and her fiancé, Kevin. We got to go to the zoo with his niece and nephews!
Aquí esta Sofia con Barbara y su novio Kevin.